
Two clocks

This page is a modest tribute to two clock programs (so-called X clients) that have been shipped with the X Window System for a long time, namely, xclock and oclock, shown at work in the snapshots in figures 1 and 2 below.

Of these two clock programs, xclock has probably been the more familiar and widely used one. In figure 1, it’s displayed with its default colors and in its default size.


Figure 1: xclock

The face of oclock is less detailed than that of xclock, but at the same time, it might be considered more aesthetically pleasing. In figure 2, oclock is displayed with its default colors and in its default size (where the background color is inherited from the background color of the desktop – here, thistle).


Figure 2: oclock

Perhaps it’s partly out of a sense of nostalgia, but I find it easy to feel fondness for both of these clocks, having used them both (but especially xclock) over a number of years.